What is IASTM?

Written by Rebecca Lowe

April 21, 2021

IASTM stands for instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization. These are tools and techniques that are targeted to skin/fascia/connective tissue and scars. Graston is another brand that you may have heard of. And, Gua Sha is another term for stones or wood used in a similar way.

I had heard of them for years, but had seen some terrible bruising through their use and thought that it was somewhat of a gimmick, until last year. A generous friend gave me an entire set of these tools, and, as I used these tools I was stunned. They really did affect the fascia in ways that I had never been able to do with my hands or any other tools. The precision of the thin beveled edge can pick up and work on disruptions in the connective tissue that I can’t even pick up with my fingers. It has given me another tool. Another way to assess and help organize the soft tissue.

The most important factor for any tool is to know when to use it. Some people use one tool on everything, but this is not the most effective way to treat issues. As I ran these tools over tissue, it felt like it could be used absolutely everywhere. So, where do I start or focus the tool? So, I developed a global body assessment that points a therapist to the most restricted lines of fascia.

The assessment of global and combined movements is very specific to pick up even the tiniest issues; however, they do not differentiate the main structure that is in dysfunction, they only indicate that there is a problem. So, these movements lead the assessor to further testing to determine the structure, is it the skin, fascia, muscle, nerve, joint, ligament, disc, …?

Again, the idea is that one tool should not be used indiscriminately or without thought. Cookie cutter treatments are just that – everyone is treated exactly the same, with a bias that everyone needs the same thing.

I adamantly say no. People are unique. You are unique. Your injury or condition is unique. There are many different structures in the body and they need different treatments and tools to heal. I am thankful for the tools that are available. IASTM is a good one, for those that need it.

Come in for an assessment, if you want to be inside a better story with your body.

Rebecca Lowe, PT, COMT, FAAOMPT, RYT


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