Back in Touch: Are You Ready to Re-enter a World of Touch?

Written by Rebecca Lowe

May 12, 2021

Back in Touch: Are You Ready to Re-enter a World of Touch?

America, generally speaking, is not a country or a culture with a lot of touch and affection. We keep our distance and we have larger than average personal space requirements socially. This changed even more a year ago with the pandemic, the fear, the requirements for quarantine and social distancing. I often see fear in people’s eyes, distancing, and touch avoidance behavior. In my clinic, I am noticing the effects of the year of isolation and touch avoidance on my clients. Bodies are crying out for touch and we need to learn how to re-enter a world where we can be close to one another and embrace each other again. To be able to look at one another and smile at a stranger. We need connection emotionally and we need to touch each other.

There are still valid questions and precautions that we may need to take, individually as well as socially. There is controversy about when to lift restrictions and what may still be ahead.

However, no matter where you stand on the specifics and the timing of this situation, I think we can all agree on this:

Fear and anxiety and isolation and disconnection are hurting us.

We need connection. We need to be touched. It is an actual need. We can survive without it, but I do not believe that we can thrive.

How are you going to re-enter a world of freedom and fearlessness? Are there steps you can take now? Are you ready?

I am offering a different kind of session. The focus is on receiving touch and love.

Normally I am in my mode of trying to fix a problem. This session will feel completely different to you.

What does this look like?

In a “touch” session, I will work on your tight spots, but gently (I bet most of you didn’t know I had a “gentle” power setting).  It’s good if there is silence and you can stay very connected to your body and receiving, but you can also share what your year has been like for you. Your body may need you to speak it out loud to someone that cares. You can voice where your body has held stress for you. If you have a lot of fear returning to touch, we may just work on your feet. If you are more comfortable, then you can receive touch in more places. I recommend a 90-minute session.

How do you know if you need to practice receiving touch again?

You have had no touch, or very little touch, over the last year. You are in an anxiety or fear state when you think of being around people, or when you are around people. You have a general sense of anxiety or tension throughout your body, or you can tell that your nervous system is on edge.

Contact me if you have questions.

And, schedule with me if you are ready to get back in touch.

Rebecca Lowe, PT, COMT, FAAOMPT, RYT


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